Dead Mans Chest 225 million Dead Mans Chest is part two of Disneys Pirates of the Caribbean series and tied for one of the most expensive films ever produced. Came out in 2001 and cost around115 million to make. Tbt See All 53 Walt Disney Animation Movie Posters Oh My Disney Disney Movie Posters Animated Movie Posters Dinosaur Movie Most of us will at least have one Disney film on a DVD format just for posteritys sake. Most expensive disney movie . Wallace and Gromit is the most represented franchise with two films on the list. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was one of the very first Disney films ever created. 40 million went towards the salaries of Harrison Ford Mark Hamill and Carrie. Laika is the most represented studio with 5 films. 2012 are the most represented years with 3 films each. Tangled - 260 Million. The following films are all stop motion animated films that cost over 10 million to create. In case anyone is wondering this film also has the distinct ...
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